New Article, New Work in Ocean Home Magazine!

It was thrilling to have my paintings featured in Ocean Home magazine! Barbara Segal, a fabulous designer of  NoirBlanc Design (LA, Chicago, Newport), wrote about my work, colors, inspiration and of course, my favorite island! Thank you Barbara and Ocean Home magazine! (Read more about Barbara’s work on her blog, Beach House Decor, and follow her on Twitter.)

0 Responses

  1. amy@maisondecor

    Congratulations are in order once again kathe! Good for you sister!! So happy you were featured with your amazing artwork! Barbara is a dear, isn’t she?

  2. sharon

    OMG, How did I miss this today … Congrats! I was over on @tinalovespinot and I saw the news. I LOVE that you shirt is like your paintings … You are too cool for school! It’s so nice to see your beautiful face!
    Couldn’t happen to a nicer lady 🙂

  3. Seedplanter Designs


    Congratulations! I had no idea!
    What an honor, to have your work featured in such a fabulous venue. You certainly earned that right – your work is one-of-a-kind. Beautiful.

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